A2 Morning
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8 weeks Course
280 €
ARS 2.0
L'arte del conoscersi
What Counseling is?
Counseling is a methodology by which a person is accompanied throughout a step-by-step route in order to enable the person to discovering and to improving oneself’s resources. The Counselor shares the client’s commitment in cultivating and empowering the skills that build up wellbeing within oneself and with society at large. Counseling is recommended to whoever may be going through hard times in life, as well as to people who just want to improve personal skills.
Counseling forms
Counseling can take many forms in order to respond to the different needs of people. The Counselor may interact with either individuals or else couples who better intend to understand the communication dynamics within their intimate relationship. Counseling can, furthermore, be experienced as group sessions where people experiment their own relational abilities and learn more and more from and with each other’s support.
For information and appointments you can send an email to: fraleoni@ars20.org